Filipe & Viricel

Based between Lyon and London, Filipe & Viricel is a design studio founded in 2018 by Micael Filipe & Romain Viricel. Rich of their own experiences, they decided to team up to start a practice driven by a common desire of achieving high quality in the draughtsmanship and fineness in every product. In 2019, they were awarded the Swiss Federal Design Award.

Swiss-Portuguese designer Micael Filipe (1990) has graduated from École Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne, in 2013. Having worked as a product designer for Big Game until 2015, he has since then joined Jasper Morrison’s team, where he is currently working as a product designer. 

Romain Viricel (1987) is a French designer. After graduating in Fine Arts at Ecole Supérieur d’Art d’Annecy Alpes and product design at École Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne, in 2016 Viricel started working as a product designer for Jörg Boner in Zürich, where he is also still collaborating.